The new six day cycle has been accompanied by a new degree of intolerance for some foods, especially maize, in addition to all my other intolerances, which make the headaches much worse. This started to be a problem around the swine flu epidemic in 2009. I found eating tortilla chips, which I used to love, gave me an intolerable headache.
This new phase of 6 day cycle began after a dose of suspected COVID-19 and caught me off guard. At first the migraine was very intense and I honestly feared for my health and wellbeing.
I noticed it varied in intensity and tried to work out why. After much observing, thinking and experimenting on myself, I have found several factors which all reduce the severity a little. Primarily, during an inflammatory episode my migraine is much worse if I eat any protein, animal or vegetable and also any food high in manganese or vitamin K.
I can now usually survive the entire cycle with minimum migraine pain as long as I stick to what helps. I score my headaches 1-10 and the worst I got to was 8, which I felt was approaching life threatening due to the sensation of compression inside my head and the fear of aneurism. 10 I think would be very dangerous, probably coma. Right now I can usually manage to keep it below 1, with the worst being 2. This is a big improvement and relief for me so I wanted to share.
Details below, in the hope it might help others in a similar situation and save them some pain.
During the three day migraine phase ...
- I need a low protein diet excluding both animal and plant protein. i.e. no meat, no eggs, no rice, no lentils or other legumes as these all have more than 5g protein per 100g. I live on assorted vegetables, spices, oils and fats and (not too much) white cassava gari. - I use for looking up food data.
- I have to avoid foods or supplements rich in vitamin K or manganese (Mn) or the pain increases significantly. (Implicated in blood clotting.)
- Taking moderate amounts of magnesium (Mg) supplements helps to reduce head pain as well as heart arrhythmia.
- Head pain is also reduced by taking linseed oil for omega 3 lipids, vitamin D and turmeric extract (Solgar), which are commonly recommended as anti-inflammatory supplements and turmeric is a blood thinner.
- I have to restrict sugars or the pain can get worse, sugars are considered proinflammatory.
- I need to relax and avoid using my brain too much or it starts to hurt. I drink
hop tea herb tea to help as it is mildly tranquilising. I usually add marigold and bucchu to this, sometimes lavender. (UPDATE I have to be careful with any green plants like hops as they tend to have VitK which can exacerbate migraine, possibly via microclotting.) - I often feel sleepy in the inflammatory phase and do better if I sleep when I feel the need. It feels like there is inflammation in my brain affecting my cognition and in my experience it is best not to fight it. Best to sleep, somewhere warm and let one's body heal.
- Heat treatment for the neck and back can promote vasodilation which helps reduce head pain. Likewise hot showers or short hot baths.
- I have to avoid getting exhausted by activity and my ability is even less than usual. Otherwise I get post exertion malaise (PEM) which makes the migraine worse.
- It helps to drink plenty of fluid.
- Sometimes the inflammatory phase is accompanied by a symptom which causes my mind to race, involuntarily and to an excessive degree, which feels like a vicious spiral, as though my brain is on fire. This is exacerbated by too much onion (quercetin). At these times, when hop tea does not work but Mg usually helps a little, I have also found a wee medicinal dram of alcohol and I mean wee, about a quarter measure, damps this down, which I ascribe to the way alcohol acts as a depressant of brain activity, hence its effect when taken in larger quantities. In this situation the benefits significantly outweigh the mild proinflammatory drawbacks.
Outside a migraine phase...
I cannot tolerate any maize corn as this always causes a migraine.
It looks like I cannot tolerate eating any meat from an animal which has been fed maize either. I have tested this and now order regeneratively farmed meat, like 100% pasture fed beef and lamb which I can eat outside a migraine phase without ill effect. If I buy meat from a supermarket from animals which have been fed standard animal feeds containing maize then it sets off a food intolerance headache lasting 12-18 hours which occurs even when not in a migraine phase and can significantly exacerbate a migraine phase.
I am not eating any nuts now. Anything with hazelnuts in causes headache and other nuts like walnuts or pecans seem to cause itching skin around my fingers.
When eating high protein food like meat, at any time, it is helpful to take digestive enzymes including proteases and also DAO (diamine-oxidase) which reduces histamine absorbtion by oxidising it in the digestive system. These reduce the likelihood and severity of any headaches arising from eating protein.
It helps to take B vits complex, B12, also minerals excluding manganese. Also I have beetroot juice in my omega 3 heavy salad dressing every morning (helps vasodilation).
I still have to avoid even very light exertion causing PEM.
My other preexisting dietary constraints.
I am avoiding wheat gluten all the time based on doctors advice. It does seem to exacerbate headachey patches.
I do not eat any dairy, palm oil or coconut oil as they contain high levels of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) which are proinflammatory as I addressed in a previous blog.
I do not eat any nightshade vegetables as they cause me mouth ulcers along with inflammation of the skin inside my mouth causing me to bite my cheeks (I get the ulcers even if I don't bite myself accidentally) and it also causes a body wide malaise of ache and weakness. This means no potato, tomato, aubergine (egg plant), chili peppers (paprika), sweet peppers, blueberries. I dont know if that is just me but its what I need to do to avoid getting iller.
Good news is...
By avoiding these common but problematic foods and taking anti-inflammatory supplements, I can turn three days of excruciating headache into three days of being an airhead, which believe me is much better.
To recap: I get headaches if I eat the wrong foods (anything with maize in or which has been fed maize, any supplement with manganese in). I also get headaches in a regular cycle and these are exacerbated by high protein foods and anything with high levels of vitamin K or manganese in.
Outside the migraine phase of the inflammatory cycle I can eat limited portions of protein without getting headaches and low levels of vitamin K and manganese containing foods, (not supplements though) without getting headaches.
My method for reaching this conclusion was based on applying scientific logic to personal experience.
Observations of my condition were recorded in my diary, alongside foods I eat. I tried to make sense of these to see if there was anything I could do to reduce my pain, by painstakingly tabulating them in spreadsheets.
I ran experiments to test foods which seemed to cause problems at one time to see if they caused a problem at different times.
It was confusing at first because there were too many things going on at the same time. I could not tell the inflammatory cycle headaches from the food triggered headaches and just seemed to be getting headaches all the time whatever I did but with inconsistent triggers.
I learned to avoid a lot of foods and ended up only able to tolerate stewed beef short ribs from among supermarket meats and good quality eggs as long as I only ate one per serving and only one serving of protein per day. One serving of short rib stew for example contained half a short rib worth of beef at around the 100g mark and I could not have more protein like an egg on the same day without getting a headache.
I also realised that whatever I ate or didn't eat, there was also an underlying cycle of inflammatory episodes, three days on and three days off and that during the migraine phase, foods which would not normally cause a headache could cause one or compound a migraine making it more severe.
That meant any protein at all was out in the inflammatory phase, even from vegetable sources like rice or lentils. Though I could eat these and either short rib stew or an egg (but not both) on the other three days in the less inflammatory phase.
I also noticed that supplements containing manganese caused headaches and so did very green vegetables, both of which I thought would be healthy for me but were making my headaches worse.
The key observation though, was realising that if I took a hot shower it helped relieve my migraine.
It took a while to twig but the implication was that vasodilation was helping to reduce the head pain, as heat causes vasodilation, i.e. the blood vessels relax and get wider.
I tried it out several times and it usually worked unless I had one of those headaches brought on by onions where my mind was racing and which responded well to medicinal alcohol.
I then began to experiment with supplements which could assist vasodilation including magnesium, which also helped. I also noticed that taking calcium supplements sometimes triggered a migraine.
Calcium (Ca) is an antagonist for magnesium (Mg), to be clear we need them both but they need to be balanced. My deduction was that too much calcium was lowering magnesium and impairing vasodilation and possibly encouraging vasoconstriction during headaches.
My conclusion was I needed more magnesium in headachey patches, which did help a little. The problem then was that sometimes I would get muscle cramps from taking too much Mg all the time and it occurred to me the inflammatory cycle seemed to cause Ca/Mg balance to change quite dramatically at one point in the cycle (which coincided with the onset of the headache) and then change back. So I had to dose the Mg to coincide with the point where my body was acting as if it had just had a dose of Ca, then ease off the Mg dose, which worked.
Other vasodilation promoters include Coenzyme Q10 and B12 which is also anti-inflammatory. I also find Kirkman B complex and zinc (Zn) supportive.
(UPDATE 9/8/23 the above struck through are not always helpful actually, depending on timing and I think it is because CoQ10 has a structure similar to VitK which promotes microthrombosis, while B12 interacts in complex ways with the nitric oxide based control of vasodilation/constriction and may not be particularly influential on its own, while Zn is implicated in clotting and may not always be helpful. B vits complex I still consider moderately supportive though containing B12 as these include niacin aka vitamin B3 which is known to cause vasodilation.)
Manganese and VitK cause headaches or make them worse and since they are known to be implicated in blood clotting it seems possible that my headaches result from vasoconstriction exacerbated with a tendency to blood thickening or even microthrombotic tendency, as these have been recorded in conjunction with longCOVID.
Its possible my 6 day cycle is caused by recurring COVID just like the other recurring viruses I have. I had an aching right kidney after initial infection which lasted over two years and may have been acting as a refugium for the virus and may still be though the ache is less obvious now, as it is a site for the expression of ACE2 receptor, as is the endothelium of blood vessels and many other locations in the body.
The fact that reducing protein intake reduces the severity of headaches is consistent with this scenario as protein is the type of molecule involved in blood clotting mechanisms (fibrin) and when being digested can contribute to the levels of proteins and amino acids in the blood plasma adding to viscosity and perhaps reacting to increase the size and or frequency of microclots and protein agglomerations.
ME patients have long been known for having slower ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rates) than normal and lower blood volumes.
It stands to reason that thicker blood in thinner, possibly vasoconstricted and possibly inflamed, blood vessels will not flow as well.
So IMHO that is the long and the short of it and the key facts I managed to untangle to save myself from the worst effects of an ongoing migraine cycle.
This is a WIP (work in progress) which I am publishing while working on it to get the facts out for others to read. Will try to polish it up and add links etc later.
Hope it helps.
UPDATE 9/8/23 I have seen a pattern in the 3 day migraine which can be described as M shaped, appropriately enough, the migraine pain is worst (peaks) on the first and third day and is almost not detectable on the second day as long as I dont eat any protein.
UPDATE DISCUSSION 9/8/23 Regarding protein, it strikes me as a possible hypothesis that the symptoms of headache due to vasoconstriction might be explained by the periodic blocking of ACE2 receptors by SARS-2-COV spike protein, leading to vasoconstriction due to the inhibition of angiotensin conversion to the vasodilatory form.
The M shaped curve of migraine intensity might be a result of my immune system interacting with the spike protein itself and whatever is producing spike protein. There are more than one candidates for this but first among them must be the virus variants themselves and given my experience with other recurring viruses this is likely.
Given my predisposition for one day migraines before COVID and after a recurring infection resembling enterovirus since 2015-7, it may be that the post COVID M shaped curve is composed of two types of migraine with different but interrelated causes. These one day migraines used to occur predictably after any recurring infection bout as my immune system was clearing up the aftermath, the timing of which was most evident with bouts of HSV2 as the symptoms are so marked.
So it seems possible that the second phase or hump of the M shaped 3 day migraine is immunological mop up inflammation migraine, following on from a viral infection recurrence which causes the first hump of migraine directly by releasing spike protein which blocks ACE2 and vasodilation causing vasoconstriction headaches.
That is my current working hypothesis for management, it follows that each phase of the migraine needs appropriate treatments. The first phase needs vasodilation therapy like heat treatment and possibly B3 (niacin) though this is not good for your liver in large amounts. The second phase needs anti-inflammatory treatments like Vitamin D, Turmeric and Linseed oil for Omega 3 lipids. This approach seems to help.
Will update again if there are further changes to my condition or perspective.
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